Thursday, December 9, 2010

Escape the Body

As the weather changed this fall I found myself with frequent headaches that prevented me from astral projecting to my fullest ability. The pressure headaches just kind of stood in my way. I also get migraines. They started out as migraine aura, with no pain. It looked similar to what you can see in the photo above. Usually a "C" shape made of luminescent triangles and angular design would grow and grow until a large section of vision was lost. At first it was only bothersome if I was driving and it would only last an hour at the most. Over the years it has gotten worse. I get aura followed by migraine pain that can last anywhere from an hour to half a day and in rare circumstances longer.

Last night around midnight, the aura began... I lay in bed for about 2 hours with a slight headache. Lucky for me it was night time. No lights or loud sounds to bother me. Eventually I even manage to sleep. Then I become aware in my sleep, a lucid dream. I was in a city flying over the top like a bird. I looked down and saw what looked like a city hall or official building then I woke up again. The pain in my head had gotten much worse and it was hard to get in any comfortable position. I started willing myself to leave the body and I could feel my astral legs reaching out or floating out of the body. It felt like I was tilting then suddenly out of my body while fully aware and pain free. It was like I had astral projected in order to escape my body and the pain that was there. It was easier to leave my body while the body was in pain like that.

I met 2 people on the astral also. A man and a woman. None of us knew the other one from the physical world. The man seemed very advanced and was able to change his form and he was happy to show us as he became taller or shorter, he could change his hair or what appeared to be clothing. The woman seemed like she was newer to all of this but she understood that we were together on the astral plane and that she was projecting. The three of us decided we should go somewhere together and somehow we decided we wanted to go to a coral reef under the ocean. We all went together, the man leading the way and we flew - whizzed by what seemed like a large distance, in just a few moments. The woman had slight problem getting through a net. I passed through it just fine and so did the man but the woman with us seemed to have a problem with mentally getting through it and I was able to help her. She was still new to astral projection and didn't think she could pass through things and I was able to help her pass through the netting that was in our path. She seemed to be very excited to pass through things!

As we started to go under the water to see the coral reef, I started to talk to the man with us about my migraine and told him that I was able to leave the body so easily because my body was in so much pain at the moment. He seemed to know exactly what I meant! He told me he wanted to stay in the astral plane forever and he didn't want to talk about his body or else he would be pulled back. Just then I was pulled back into mine and I woke up with the migraine and also I had to use the bathroom so I did that and returned to bed and left my body again in the same way. Tilting, a little vibrations.. I willed myself to return to the corals, traveling in the same way, whizzing by... and the woman was gone but the man was still there at the corals and he seemed to be meditating. I assume the woman returned to her body.

So, I went around under the water for awhile with the friend I had made. We never told each other our names and I guess next time I should ask people their names!

I saw brilliant colored corals and fish swimming around. It was so neat to be under the water without concern for breathing. The water was shallow maybe just a few feet deep and less in some areas. I stayed out of my body for several hours just chatting with my new friend. We went together into a nearby house where the occupants were sleeping and just looked around, being nosy I guess. I was aware of the time during all of this and I knew it was time for me to go back so said good-bye. He said he was going to stay out longer but I had to return to my body in order to wake up and get ready to work. I returned to my body and it was exactly the time I knew it was and I got out of bed with just a little headache left but the migraine had mostly passed. I also felt well rested and no morning grogginess but clear minded.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Earlier, I wrote about these headaches I have been having. I am not sure if it is the weather changing. Probably. It makes me feel kind of down and low energy. So I was a little surprised to astral project. I have been wanting to. I find it pleasurable and spiritually fulfilling to leave my body. But, I haven't been quite able to get there during this particular period. However, last night was one of those nights. I stayed up too late and my body was very tired. My mind was very much awake and rational and this seems to be a good recipe for astral projection. I fell asleep and had some dreams then a couple hours later I had to wake up to use the bathroom.

As I go back to bed and close my eyes my mind remains awake while my body falls asleep. I am aware that I am in my bed but I am not sure whether I am awake or "asleep". So I figure I will try to roll off the bed and if my body clunks down then I guess I am awake :)

So, my body was sleeping and my astral body had undergone the natural separation and I rolled out of my body and down to the floor. As I rolled out, my astral vision opened and I was able to see the room around me. Down on the floor I could see my bath towel I left on the floor and I rose up and looked back at my bed (trigger habit. I look back every time I get out of bed) and I could see what looked like a pile of blankets and then I could see that my body was under them. I didn't go very far or do anything spectacular. I felt as though I didn't have the energy to go very far, like I wasn't "charged up" or something. The time moving around my bedroom seemed to last only a couple of minutes before I snapped back into my body.

On a side note I just wanted to mention that I had some alcohol in my system this night. I have always thought that it was not good for OBEs or that it would not help with it. But my reason for having alcohol had nothing to do with my desire to astral project. But this is not the first time that I have projected while having alcohol in my system and I am starting to come to the opinion that small amounts of alcohol do not affect the ability to project. I never get completely smashed so I can't speak from experience on that! But I don't think that a drink or two will prevent one who astral projects from astral projecting.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Summer into Fall, Herbal Book Recommendation

As the weather changes dramatically, it is affecting me in my dream state. I get headaches when the weather changes quickly like this so I have not been having as much control over my lucid dreams and astral projections. While I don't think its the weather, I think its the headaches from the weather. If anyone knows good herbal remedies for headaches and Migraines (with aura), which I have been diagnosed with this year but have had for many years please post your remedies here.
Here are my herbal headache remedies, taken from one of my favorite books, "Back to Eden" by Jethro Kloss.

1. Hot footbath with a tablespoon of mustard mixed in or plain water as hot as you can tolerate. Cold washcloth on the forehead and also on the back of the neck.

2. Peppermint, Spearmint, Valerian, black cohosh, or skullcap tea

3. raw foods diet, enemas, exercise (for frequent headache caused by indigestion or disordered liver, over eating)

4. rest

5. peppermint, catnip, red sage, spearmint tea

6. Hot hops tea at night

Back To Eden by Jethro Kloss

The book goes into more detail about which remedy is right for you based on your headache type! I have also heard that massaging the webbing between the thumb and index finger activates a pressure point.

I got a used paperback copy from at a great price. If the world ever does come to an end and we are left without technology, this is a book you are going to need to have around...

So, you may be wondering what all of this has to do with astral projection in the first place? Sure, headaches can cause less control over your dream state but why not just take a few Tylenol? In My Humble Opinion, drugs are the last option. Based on my own research and its too much to get into right now, I believe it is bad for the Liver and the Pineal Gland among many organs and systems... Well the point is that in the modern drugs, chemicals have been so isolated that we are not getting the effect nature intended. We need our entire bodies to be healthy and in harmony to experience full control of our astral bodies.

Here is an example of how a plant goes to drug and it all goes wrong. Feel free to research this yourself! The Chinese Herb Ma Huang has been refined into ephedra, a diet pill which was all the rave but is not illegal in most places all over the world after causing heart attacks and other symptoms. In its natural form, a very useful plant used to treat colds, hay fever and other conditions. However, us humans decided to refine and isolate the ephedra and suddenly we are seeing negative effects. Take it one step further and you have street chemists (drug dealers) who are refining ephedra into meth-amphetamines. And, I don't even need to list all the harmful side effects of THAT!

The point is nature first! Modern Medicine certainly has its place but remember you can't expect to have a flourishing spiritual life if your body is not in harmony. A good diet, not too much, not too little. Natural remedies first. Homegrown or organic when possible. These are all basic changes that will help you "wake up"

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Eye

Last night... or this morning, probably around 5am I had 2 astral projections.

The first one, I just sort of popped out of my body and immediately was floating outside of my bedroom window. I could see the familiar surroundings around myself and all the colors seemed more vivid than in waking life. However, I notice to have been peering through an eye shape like the picture, without the symbols. Then I would connect with it and see fully again and disconnect and reconnect. This seemed to shed some light on my previous astral blindness. Maybe I need to be connected somehow? As, I seemed to be going in and out of full vision (not the first time either) At some point of just lingering around in the same area I felt as thought I was losing my lucidity or awareness or whatever you call it. Like my mind was sleepy but I really wanted to remain aware and active so I returned to my body to regroup.

Then, I left my body again. Once again I left in the same way and popped out and stood outside my bedroom window, outside. I knew it was cold outside but I couldn't feel the cold. That felt liberating. I sat there not really knowing where to go. I thought of a couple options and decided I wanted to go to Australia. Then I flew straight up! The world whizzed by me like light and suddenly I was in another place. I do not know if I was in Australia or not. I found it confusing because it seemed like I was seeing deciduous trees and shrubs that I did not recognize but based on the colors of the plants I would have guessed it to be fall and I knew that it should be Spring in Australia right now. So, where ever I was, besides it being beautiful and colorful, I was in the middle of nowhere (no civilization). I guess I should specify what city I want to go to next time or perhaps I should make a list of specific places I intend to visit so that I can be more direct and decisive next time I find myself out of my body with nothing to do! :) I wandered around. Its always fun and curious to look at all the details while in the astral. It almost side-tracks me from discovering more things. Every little thing is a discovery.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Astral from Lucid Dream... finally

I have more lucid dreams than I do astral projections. So, I have been working on a way to astral project from the lucid dream state, taking advantage of the awareness of the dream to leave the body. Well, I finally did it. Ever since I started astral projection again as an adult I have made many observations about the "in between dream" state of lucid dreams compared with the "paralysis" state of astral projections. In every way it became more and more obvious that they were the same thing. The only catch is that until now I have not been successful in projection from the in between state that occurred as a result of a lucid dream. So, enough... you get it. Here's the dream!

In the dream I was a passenger in a vehicle and traveling on a highway in Turnersville, NJ (a place I have not been in for 5 or 6 years but I used to work there so I know the roads) Due to some mechanical problem in the car we could not make sharp turns, or the car would catch fire. So, the driver and one other passenger and I were trying to carefully plan out how to turn in circles and rounabouts and ramps so as not to turn sharply. While driving, I looked over and saw an amusement park called the "Mona Lisa" with a gaudy light up of a more contemporary version of the Mona Lisa. There were roller coasters and ferris wheels and all. This triggered me into awareness. I thought to myself, I better look this up because I don't remember this place being here, unless I am dreaming. Then I started to consider the rest of the crazy circumstance and said "if I am dreaming, then I want to astral project." Just then the dream faded out and I was aware in my mind but knew I was back in my bed, body asleep. This was the in between dream state. So, I started to try to move around, rolling around. Only, this is also paralysis, so while this is happening, only the energy body can move. I rolled right out of bed and down onto the floor. I was out of my body. The only problem was that I was blind. It startled me so I returned to my body and then had a double wake up dreaming experience. I thought I woke up but then really woke up.

In the future, if I project and experience blindness, I am going to give it more time or say something like "I want to see" It just caught me off guard. I don't know why I was blind. But the feeling of astral projection is unmistakable. The energy body is a real body that we all have.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lucid Something - Sleeping with Awareness

There are different categories of experiences that happen with the astral and lucid dream state. In the radio program I talked a little bit about the "double wake up" and that is when you think you have woken up but instead you are astral projecting around your home. You only realize it was a projection or 'dream' when you are snapped back into your body. You start to realize it is not just a dream when you come back with certain knowledge. For example, while projecting you may glance at the clock, then snap back into your body, awaken and the time matches. You may also notice your cat or dog has made a mess somewhere, then you return to your body, get up and find that same mess. This is hard evidence that you left your body and it was not just a dream. So, please be observant. These things happen.

So, there is the double wake up, there is astral projection, there is lucid dreaming. I had another thing happen to me. I don't know what category it best fits into. But let me begin by explaining the affirmations that I am practicing. Before I go to bed and during the day, I contemplate the reality and experience that I am in. I compare it to my dream state and astral state. I do this frequently. Also, I have trained my body to wake up at certain times without the aid of an alarm clock. (if I tell my self to wake up at 7am, I usually wake up at 6:59) If I do set the alarm, I usually wake up before it goes off and turn it off. These are all examples of how it is possible to program the body and give it instruction according to what you want to accomplish. In the same way you can tell yourself to be aware in your dreams or to project out of the body at will. It takes practice but all these things increase your ability to control your dream state.

Ok, so what happened? I did my affirmations to remain aware when my body was sleeping. This is my favorite because it seems to work well for me. I also imagine what it will be like to be aware and thinking all night long, even as my body sleeps. But it is usually accompanied by an astral projection or a lucid dream. I had interestingly enough, remained aware all night long, with neither happening. I lay there sleeping, I know I am sleeping but all the while my mind is active. I went in and out of being able to see my surroundings, which would indicate a partial projection. I also came in and out of sleep, each time returning to a sleeping with awareness. It was very interesting. I spent most of the night contemplating what was happening and what do I call this? I spent the other part of the night developing a new soap recipe. Working in my sleep, I know! (I am a soap maker) But, come on! How productive! :)

Sleeping With Awareness.
So, that is my new category. Thats what I will call it when this occurs with no dream or projection. I have had similar things happen. The first thing that comes to mind is my college days trying to solve a mathematical problem. I went to sleep thinking about it and solved it in my sleep, only I did not know I was sleeping. But yet, proof that the mind is capable of continuing to work while asleep. We don't have to spend every night in darkness. We can remember our dreams. We can work mentally in the sleeping or dream state. We can manifest our own surroundings in a lucid dream. We can project from the body and explore the world and beyond in the astral planes. There is so much more that we are capable of. There are only 24 hours in the day and for most people 1/3 is spent in bed sleeping.

Indigo Children Radio Guest Appearance

I was a guest on an internet radio station speaking about Astral Projection and Lucid Dreams. If you would like to listen to the 30 minute program please click the link below. I have been asked to return to continue on this topic. The next show has not yet been scheduled but when it is, I will post that here.

Indigo Children Radio

Friday, October 1, 2010

Better Late than Never! :)

Ok, so my last projection happened on Sept 17th but I did not blog it right away because I was traveling and exhausted.

I was in Portland, visiting a friend and relative and I spent the night sleeping on the couch. I got up early the day before and did a lot of driving and ended the night late. My body felt exhausted. This seems to be good for projections. Just a simple observation.

So, this was the type of projection that confuses the crap out of me when I come back, because I believe I am awake during the projection! So, I did not realize I was out of my body. Next to the couch was the front large window looking out at the street in this NE Portland neighborhood. I thought I had woken up, sat up (never bothered to look for my body) and started to look out the window. I saw the clock and it was a little past 7am and I figured I would just look out the window for awhile. I saw a girl walking down the street in a puffy jacket and shorts with boots. I thought about how interesting the people were in Portland and how they dress. Then a loud water truck came down the street. I saw it in my astral body but the loudness of it triggered me to SNAP back into my body and I sat up, somewhat confused for a minute then I realized what happened. I looked out the window and could see the truck was just starting again after coming to a stop at the intersection. I looked the other way and saw the girl in the poofy jacket, shorts and boots! WOW! I left my body and thought I was awake. The memory stayed with me too. Sometimes the memories are fleeting, like dreams. Sometimes the hardest part is remembering what happened.

This is not the first time I had this type of projection. Have you ever felt like you woke up twice? But the first time was 'just a dream'? Then you suddenly wake up again? Pay close attention when you dream that you wake up! This also reminds me to look back at my bed every morning when I get up, to be sure that I am in my physical body and not projecting. (if you get in the habit of looking back at where you sleep you will do it automatically when you project. When you see your body there sleeping, you'll know you are projecting.)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Flying Outta This World

So check out this dream that happened. I became lucid after seeing an elephant and then I flew up and out of the atmosphere, while loudly calling out. I don't know what I was calling for but I felt as though I was attracting something, like a siren. I sounded like a siren with multiple voices. I left the atmosphere, shooting up at the speed of light and it was dark space then a bright vivid area opened up and other people were there just kind of wandering or floating around. Then I went into the dark in between dream state. Don't know what to make of it if anything but later on in my waking day I have been feeling buzzing and warm energy along with feelings of joy.

I guess some could say I am delusional but if thats true, I'm happy that way which is more than I can say for most. I take my dream life more seriously than most people. I also remember them more than average and have personally experienced what its like to leave the body, projecting out, turning around seeing my body sleeping and still be able to use my mind and observe things in time.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Love Meditation - Sleep Wish - Arms out - Lucid Dream - Updates

So I have been doing a love meditation the past couple of days. It has been helping a LOT. Past couple of weeks I went through a negative period and I am coming out of it. During that time, the negativity prevented me from being able to dream or astral project. I'm happy that has passed!

So, lets start off with a wish I made. I made a wish to myself that I would not sleep as much and have more energy when I am awake. So, since that wish a couple of days ago, my new sleeping schedule follows a basic 4 hour sleep from about midnight to 4am. Then I wake, potty, have some water, do more love meditations and then return to sleep for about another 2 hours. When I wake again I usually spend another hour, laying and resting and meditating in bed before I get up for the day. So far I really like it and plan to continue.

The day before yesterday I had an astral experience that was not a full projection. The familiar body buzzing started and only my upper body separated for a short time and then I was snapped back in. Hey, after the negative period this made me feel relieved and overjoyed! I feel like I'm coming back, hey! So basically what happened is I could feel my arms out. I could feel the weightlessness of them and could see them on and off. Seems like when my head separates I can see and when its connected with the body I can't. Interesting nonetheless.

So last night I had my first lucid dream since the negative period. At night I did the love meditation (send love out, feel love, get comfy but staying as aware as possible) So, I started to dream I was shopping and a friend was driving me somewhere and as I looked out the window I saw several animals, a cat, a bear, gorilla, big foot, horse except they were in the city and they were out of proportion. The kitten was the size of the bear and the bear was the size of the kitten. Just then I recognized this was a dream and became aware. I called out that this is not real. I lifted my arms up high and said see ya later, I'm outta here! Just then the dream came to an end and I was in the inbetween dream state. Its all dark there and my mind feels like its awake and aware yet my body is completely paralyzed and unable to move. I recognize this paralysis. I was getting prepared to project from there but unfortunately my cat came and woke me up! So, I didn't get to project but I was close and lucid dreams are a step in the right path. The more lucid dreams you have the easier it is to project (in my experience)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Dream of a Buck

I was having this dream last night, early in the morning and I was walking outside around the farm I live on. Then I saw a buck and walked over to him. He wasn't afraid or anything. It was like I wasn't even there. This was not a lucid experience at all. I was unaware that it was a dream state. But because there was nothing strange about it and it was so real and vivid, it could have been real? I could have been out there, really seeing a buck! He had 6 points on his antler and I didn't see any does with him. He was off to the side of my garden. We do get deer around here but I have only been seeing a 2-point buck around. I guess I have no way of knowing for sure what happened. But it was so real, like one of the dreams that confuses you later... did it happen? or not?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Suggested Reading

Hello again.

Since my last post I have not had another out of body experience. However, there have been things happening. This is the book I am reading now.

Mastering Astral Projection by Robert Bruce

I listened to a radio show Coast To Coast AM where he was featured. I recommend you listen to it also. You can search for it on YouTube but if I can find it later on I will post a link here. Author Robert Bruce explains a lot and answers a lot of questions about astral projection. He also explains certain techniques that are in his book. I have this book and it is supposed to be a 90 day guide to get out of your body. I am continuing on the program. I believe I might be in the minority. I had my first adult astral projection after reading the introductions/preface but before I started to dig into the content. I am practicing the exercises now and I notice some of them put me in the correct state of mind for leaving the body but I am just waiting for the next exit.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Adult Experiences Begin

On Aug 17 2010 I had my first adult astral experience, over a decade passed since I had one.

First, I lay in bed, on my side. I guess I was asleep or just falling asleep but my mind awoke. I was aware that I was in bed, body sleeping. Everything was dark and I was not able to move my physical body but I felt as though I could move my arms. Suddenly, I could see and I could see my astral arm moving outside of my physical arm. It looked like I had 4 arms! At this point I was aware that I was again, astral projecting. I felt like I floated up a few inches from my body and I could see my husband next to me, sleeping and I could see my upper body. My lower body was under the blankets. I reentered my body and woke rather quickly. As I went back in my body, it was dark again, and I couldn't move for a few moments and my whole body seemed to have a buzzing relaxed sensation. I got up out of bed, awake, went to the bathroom and returned to bed.

This time I was laying on my back as I went back to bed the same night/morning. Then it all happened again, in the same night/morning... (the word morning is more appropriate as this happens to me between 4am and 8am when I enter my second sleep cycle. I will post more on my sleep schedule another time)
So, again I lifted out of my body this time up a few feet! It was like I was zooming in on the ceiling. My astral body was moving too much as I was busy observing my surroundings. I looked at my open closet, and all the physical crap in there. Looked at the lamp, the bumps of the textured paint etc. Its amazing how many details I noticed that I normally don't pay any attention to. Time seems to stand still while in the astral plane. What is 10 mins here seems like an hour there sometimes. After looking around my room some, I lowered back into my body and did experience once again the darkness, the buzzing and vibrations. It really feels like the body vibrates. Like imagine if you had your cell phone in your pocket on vibrate and it goes off. Now imagine that in your whole body! After a few moments in this state I was able to wake and I felt very blessed and peaceful about the idea of once again astral traveling. I had desired to experience this again.

On August 19, two days after my adult awakening, I had another astral projection. Actually I had 2 but one of them I consider to be private. Here is the one I am willing to share:

I was laying on my back in bed relaxed. Next the buzzing started and darkness. I seemed to feel like I was connecting and disconnecting a few times. The 'lights' would go on and off. Then lights on and I could see and feel my astral left leg extended out and off the bed like it just floated out by itself while the rest of me was connected. My weightless leg was just out and parallel with the floor. I noticed my toenails are purple on my astral body, also my skin has a blueish hue but basically the same as my physical body. So, my leg being extended out and off the bed and knowing this is an astral experience I reasoned with myself that I should be able to roll out of my body completely. I did. I rolled off my bed and onto the floor. Then I popped up and saw my body laying there. I saw my head slightly turned on the pillow, one arm down and one half way up. I noticed how my lips looked while my body slept. Kind of almost puckered looking and almost as if my top lip was sucked in some. Then I looked over at my husband and touched his head and face. He was asleep so I then flew out the window and flew up high to visit my animals. We live on a farm so we have livestock. I was high up above my house and we also have a mountain view. I looked down at the mountain in the morning light and it was beautiful. There seem to be rays of blue light coming from the mountain. Then I flew over the field where my domestic geese live. I saw the birds from my own birds-eye view and looked down on them. I saw them playing in the water, some of them anyway and when they see my body they usually go nuts so I decided to test whether they could see my astral body or not. I swooped down on them to a spot where they should be able to see me but they could not. They had no clue I was there. Then I ran and flew, alternating into a wooded area and under the tree canopy. In the trees it almost felt wet like water, fluid like liquid. Passing through solid objects feels like passing through liquid. There is that hint of pressure but everything is fluid. But in the trees it felt even more so. Almost as if I was splashing through the forest and energy would seem to splash out in different colors. Particularly strong in blue. This made me smile and giggle like a child. Just as I was frolicking and giggling in the forest, back at my body my alarm clock was going off. It was 8am and it snapped me back so quickly that it was very disappointing. The paralysis didn't seem to last as long this time. I was up and moving quickly after return.

This was my second experience that night. Like I said before the first one was private in nature and occurred before this one. One thing notable that I would like to mention from the private obe is that I did see astral animals on the astral plane. Meaning, animals can astral project. To what extent I do not know.

Awakening - Beginning Astral Experiences

I am making this blog as an outlet for me to write and share my out of body travels... or astral travel.

As for some history, I had 2 notable out of body experiences while I was a minor. They happened seemingly at random. I'll tell you about them now before I get into the more recent ones.

When I was a tween age girl living with my grandmother, I came home from school one day. I really always had an 'insomnia' problem and this day I was particularly tired. Nobody was home when I walked in the door so I sat on the recliner and curled up and something different happened. At first I didn't realize I was out of my body. I thought I was just walking around the living room. Then I looked back and saw my body curled up on the couch. I don't know why I didn't find this alarming but I was immediately distracted because I saw my grandmother's car pulling in. She was getting home from her job as a visiting nurse aide. I panicked inside. I felt threatened and did not want her to see me sleeping but I couldn't figure out how to wake up. I was afraid that she would think I was lazy for sleeping in the middle of the day. She came in the door and looked over, saw me sleeping and came closer, bent down a little bit and looked at my sleeping body. I was standing behind her looking at her looking at me and I could sense her presence from both my astral body and my physical body. To me this is some kind of proof that there is a double awareness but lets continue... She then started to walk off toward her bedroom to watch her soap opera that she tapes during work. As i saw her walk away I felt relief. At that point I snapped into my body. I knew I was back in the body yet I couldn't move. Again, this started to make me feel panicked but finally I was back in my body and a few moments later I was able to move again. I got up, went to my room and went to take a nap.

After that incident I started to wonder what happened to me. I had experienced other things you could call psychic phenomenon like seeing auras and things like that and I quickly learned that this was not something that you are allowed to talk about. I kept most of this to myself but through books and internet and a few other people I learned what I was doing was astral projection. I started meditations and exercises and then had another projection in my youth.

I was laying in my bed and it was bunk beds but I didn't share a room. My sis was grown and moved out so I had the bottom bunk I slept on and the top bunk was full of junk and laundry like any teen age kid would have it. This time I knew what was happening. I lifted and floated straight up, through the top bunk and through my ceiling to the next floor then I willed myself to fly out the window and stand on my front lawn. Everything looked the same as it did in the physical world pretty much. I focused on the mailbox. I can't remember if the flag was up or down but I went to it and tried to move it. I tried really hard I focused on it and could not move the darn thing so I then decided I would go to my school and check things out there. I had never been there after hours. My school was less than a mile away and as I thought about going there I lifted up and traveled to the sports field up in an arch type of way so up and over and down. I stood in the field and at that point I noticed that there was a type of silver cord that I had read about. As soon as I noticed the silver cord I seemed to be snapped back into my body, like I wizzed back so fast! When my body woke, the first thing I did was go out to the mailbox to check the flag. It was how I saw it.

Those were the only 2 projections that I remember from my youth where I was fully conscious. There were a few where I had tilting, falling, floating sensations but could not remember them. I can make no presumption about them. I only consider it a full out of body experience when I am conscious of the separation from the body. In this blog I will share some of my astral experiences but not all. There are certain ones that are of a private nature but I am happy to share the other ones so that you can more readily identify with the astral travel experience and hopefully you can have them and remember them yourself.