Saturday, November 20, 2010


Earlier, I wrote about these headaches I have been having. I am not sure if it is the weather changing. Probably. It makes me feel kind of down and low energy. So I was a little surprised to astral project. I have been wanting to. I find it pleasurable and spiritually fulfilling to leave my body. But, I haven't been quite able to get there during this particular period. However, last night was one of those nights. I stayed up too late and my body was very tired. My mind was very much awake and rational and this seems to be a good recipe for astral projection. I fell asleep and had some dreams then a couple hours later I had to wake up to use the bathroom.

As I go back to bed and close my eyes my mind remains awake while my body falls asleep. I am aware that I am in my bed but I am not sure whether I am awake or "asleep". So I figure I will try to roll off the bed and if my body clunks down then I guess I am awake :)

So, my body was sleeping and my astral body had undergone the natural separation and I rolled out of my body and down to the floor. As I rolled out, my astral vision opened and I was able to see the room around me. Down on the floor I could see my bath towel I left on the floor and I rose up and looked back at my bed (trigger habit. I look back every time I get out of bed) and I could see what looked like a pile of blankets and then I could see that my body was under them. I didn't go very far or do anything spectacular. I felt as though I didn't have the energy to go very far, like I wasn't "charged up" or something. The time moving around my bedroom seemed to last only a couple of minutes before I snapped back into my body.

On a side note I just wanted to mention that I had some alcohol in my system this night. I have always thought that it was not good for OBEs or that it would not help with it. But my reason for having alcohol had nothing to do with my desire to astral project. But this is not the first time that I have projected while having alcohol in my system and I am starting to come to the opinion that small amounts of alcohol do not affect the ability to project. I never get completely smashed so I can't speak from experience on that! But I don't think that a drink or two will prevent one who astral projects from astral projecting.

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