Friday, August 27, 2010

Suggested Reading

Hello again.

Since my last post I have not had another out of body experience. However, there have been things happening. This is the book I am reading now.

Mastering Astral Projection by Robert Bruce

I listened to a radio show Coast To Coast AM where he was featured. I recommend you listen to it also. You can search for it on YouTube but if I can find it later on I will post a link here. Author Robert Bruce explains a lot and answers a lot of questions about astral projection. He also explains certain techniques that are in his book. I have this book and it is supposed to be a 90 day guide to get out of your body. I am continuing on the program. I believe I might be in the minority. I had my first adult astral projection after reading the introductions/preface but before I started to dig into the content. I am practicing the exercises now and I notice some of them put me in the correct state of mind for leaving the body but I am just waiting for the next exit.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Adult Experiences Begin

On Aug 17 2010 I had my first adult astral experience, over a decade passed since I had one.

First, I lay in bed, on my side. I guess I was asleep or just falling asleep but my mind awoke. I was aware that I was in bed, body sleeping. Everything was dark and I was not able to move my physical body but I felt as though I could move my arms. Suddenly, I could see and I could see my astral arm moving outside of my physical arm. It looked like I had 4 arms! At this point I was aware that I was again, astral projecting. I felt like I floated up a few inches from my body and I could see my husband next to me, sleeping and I could see my upper body. My lower body was under the blankets. I reentered my body and woke rather quickly. As I went back in my body, it was dark again, and I couldn't move for a few moments and my whole body seemed to have a buzzing relaxed sensation. I got up out of bed, awake, went to the bathroom and returned to bed.

This time I was laying on my back as I went back to bed the same night/morning. Then it all happened again, in the same night/morning... (the word morning is more appropriate as this happens to me between 4am and 8am when I enter my second sleep cycle. I will post more on my sleep schedule another time)
So, again I lifted out of my body this time up a few feet! It was like I was zooming in on the ceiling. My astral body was moving too much as I was busy observing my surroundings. I looked at my open closet, and all the physical crap in there. Looked at the lamp, the bumps of the textured paint etc. Its amazing how many details I noticed that I normally don't pay any attention to. Time seems to stand still while in the astral plane. What is 10 mins here seems like an hour there sometimes. After looking around my room some, I lowered back into my body and did experience once again the darkness, the buzzing and vibrations. It really feels like the body vibrates. Like imagine if you had your cell phone in your pocket on vibrate and it goes off. Now imagine that in your whole body! After a few moments in this state I was able to wake and I felt very blessed and peaceful about the idea of once again astral traveling. I had desired to experience this again.

On August 19, two days after my adult awakening, I had another astral projection. Actually I had 2 but one of them I consider to be private. Here is the one I am willing to share:

I was laying on my back in bed relaxed. Next the buzzing started and darkness. I seemed to feel like I was connecting and disconnecting a few times. The 'lights' would go on and off. Then lights on and I could see and feel my astral left leg extended out and off the bed like it just floated out by itself while the rest of me was connected. My weightless leg was just out and parallel with the floor. I noticed my toenails are purple on my astral body, also my skin has a blueish hue but basically the same as my physical body. So, my leg being extended out and off the bed and knowing this is an astral experience I reasoned with myself that I should be able to roll out of my body completely. I did. I rolled off my bed and onto the floor. Then I popped up and saw my body laying there. I saw my head slightly turned on the pillow, one arm down and one half way up. I noticed how my lips looked while my body slept. Kind of almost puckered looking and almost as if my top lip was sucked in some. Then I looked over at my husband and touched his head and face. He was asleep so I then flew out the window and flew up high to visit my animals. We live on a farm so we have livestock. I was high up above my house and we also have a mountain view. I looked down at the mountain in the morning light and it was beautiful. There seem to be rays of blue light coming from the mountain. Then I flew over the field where my domestic geese live. I saw the birds from my own birds-eye view and looked down on them. I saw them playing in the water, some of them anyway and when they see my body they usually go nuts so I decided to test whether they could see my astral body or not. I swooped down on them to a spot where they should be able to see me but they could not. They had no clue I was there. Then I ran and flew, alternating into a wooded area and under the tree canopy. In the trees it almost felt wet like water, fluid like liquid. Passing through solid objects feels like passing through liquid. There is that hint of pressure but everything is fluid. But in the trees it felt even more so. Almost as if I was splashing through the forest and energy would seem to splash out in different colors. Particularly strong in blue. This made me smile and giggle like a child. Just as I was frolicking and giggling in the forest, back at my body my alarm clock was going off. It was 8am and it snapped me back so quickly that it was very disappointing. The paralysis didn't seem to last as long this time. I was up and moving quickly after return.

This was my second experience that night. Like I said before the first one was private in nature and occurred before this one. One thing notable that I would like to mention from the private obe is that I did see astral animals on the astral plane. Meaning, animals can astral project. To what extent I do not know.

Awakening - Beginning Astral Experiences

I am making this blog as an outlet for me to write and share my out of body travels... or astral travel.

As for some history, I had 2 notable out of body experiences while I was a minor. They happened seemingly at random. I'll tell you about them now before I get into the more recent ones.

When I was a tween age girl living with my grandmother, I came home from school one day. I really always had an 'insomnia' problem and this day I was particularly tired. Nobody was home when I walked in the door so I sat on the recliner and curled up and something different happened. At first I didn't realize I was out of my body. I thought I was just walking around the living room. Then I looked back and saw my body curled up on the couch. I don't know why I didn't find this alarming but I was immediately distracted because I saw my grandmother's car pulling in. She was getting home from her job as a visiting nurse aide. I panicked inside. I felt threatened and did not want her to see me sleeping but I couldn't figure out how to wake up. I was afraid that she would think I was lazy for sleeping in the middle of the day. She came in the door and looked over, saw me sleeping and came closer, bent down a little bit and looked at my sleeping body. I was standing behind her looking at her looking at me and I could sense her presence from both my astral body and my physical body. To me this is some kind of proof that there is a double awareness but lets continue... She then started to walk off toward her bedroom to watch her soap opera that she tapes during work. As i saw her walk away I felt relief. At that point I snapped into my body. I knew I was back in the body yet I couldn't move. Again, this started to make me feel panicked but finally I was back in my body and a few moments later I was able to move again. I got up, went to my room and went to take a nap.

After that incident I started to wonder what happened to me. I had experienced other things you could call psychic phenomenon like seeing auras and things like that and I quickly learned that this was not something that you are allowed to talk about. I kept most of this to myself but through books and internet and a few other people I learned what I was doing was astral projection. I started meditations and exercises and then had another projection in my youth.

I was laying in my bed and it was bunk beds but I didn't share a room. My sis was grown and moved out so I had the bottom bunk I slept on and the top bunk was full of junk and laundry like any teen age kid would have it. This time I knew what was happening. I lifted and floated straight up, through the top bunk and through my ceiling to the next floor then I willed myself to fly out the window and stand on my front lawn. Everything looked the same as it did in the physical world pretty much. I focused on the mailbox. I can't remember if the flag was up or down but I went to it and tried to move it. I tried really hard I focused on it and could not move the darn thing so I then decided I would go to my school and check things out there. I had never been there after hours. My school was less than a mile away and as I thought about going there I lifted up and traveled to the sports field up in an arch type of way so up and over and down. I stood in the field and at that point I noticed that there was a type of silver cord that I had read about. As soon as I noticed the silver cord I seemed to be snapped back into my body, like I wizzed back so fast! When my body woke, the first thing I did was go out to the mailbox to check the flag. It was how I saw it.

Those were the only 2 projections that I remember from my youth where I was fully conscious. There were a few where I had tilting, falling, floating sensations but could not remember them. I can make no presumption about them. I only consider it a full out of body experience when I am conscious of the separation from the body. In this blog I will share some of my astral experiences but not all. There are certain ones that are of a private nature but I am happy to share the other ones so that you can more readily identify with the astral travel experience and hopefully you can have them and remember them yourself.